Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's time to garden!!

My DH finished sifting the dirt for my garden yesterday while I was running around in town. Isn't that so sweet of him!! I'm so pleased. Here is a picture of what the dirt looks like before it is sifted for the rocks. This is a picture of the crocus bulbs I planted last fall, again without sifting the dirt. (I just can't call it soil!!) You can barely see the crocus plants (I think they are stunted!) and all the rocks. So since DH finished the sifting, today I can start getting ready to plant.

I mixed in the compost, potting soil, coffee grounds and cut up fabric into the dirt. (Yep, this is what I do with my cotton fabric scraps that are too small to use. and I save all the used coffee grounds too). So the dirt is ready, and you can see the scraps of fabric in the picture on the right. I've mixed the dirt well, and leveled it out. then put down my drip hose that I use to water the flowers. Looks wonderful, doesn't it?? So smooth, no big rocks!!

Now we need to go to the little local nursery! As we head to town, we get to go through this wonderful tunnel under the train tracks. The tunnel is over 100 years old, and trains still use the tracks over it several times a day. It's a short drive from the tunnel to town, and then a few blocks and we are at the nursery. The nursery is in the yard around one of the older homes in town.

Wow, don't they have a lot of plants for a little nursery!! Hmm , it's pretty early in the spring yet, and the nights still get below freezing, so I probably should just get pansies. They should be pretty hardy. And look at the racks of pansies they have! I'm going to pick out some good ones! Oh, there are some iris's. I'm grabbing one pot of those too. The owner says they are pretty fragile, and it may get too cold for them at night, but I'm going to give one pot a try.

Back home we go, and I want to get these all in the ground. I've got a lot of empty space yet, but I have some flowers to look at now. I put the iris in the most sheltered spot in the little garden, and divided up the pansies into two groups. In the picture on the right you can also see the dianthus that made it through the winter, as well as two poppy plants, and a miniature rose bush that may or may not make it. I'll get more flowers in a couple weeks, when the danger of freezing is past. Oh, yes. The step stones are a couple pieces I "stole" from the pallets of rock that are waiting to become our front walk. Oh well, that is for another day.

OK, I'm pooped. Time to rest, and then on to sewing!! Yeaaa!! What a great day!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Sure is looking nice. Question; why do you put scraps of fabric in? I have never heard of doing that one, so just very curious. The weather here this week is rainy and a tad bit to cold for my by the end of the week sunshine is expected and I will show you my flower spots. They are such a wonderful hobby. Don't you agree?