Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I feel like a big weight has been lifted off....

OK, I do it to myself. Yesterday was the last "thing" I had to be ready to entertain for. I had the ladies in my service sorority over for our monthly meeting. I only do this one month a year, so I needed to have my house cleaned up. (You have to understand we LIVE in our house, and I've decided I'm just NOT a good housekeeper!! Don't get me wrong, you won't catch anything here, but stuff seems to accumulate, and I'd rather do something else than pick stuff up!!) Any way, I now can do "what I want". Hubby says he has work for me this afternoon, and I've spent the morning looking at blogs, and reading email.

Now what am I going to go do?? I've got so many ideas, I keep flitting from one to the other, and can't settle on anything. Guess I'll go sit in my sewing room, and see what happens!

Have a great day, and hope you too can find time to do what you want!!



Brenda said...

Glad to hear you get some time for yourself. I hope that sitting in your sewing room will inspire a project for you. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Oh time for yourself. I have almost forgotten what that is. LOL.

I can sympathize, we have little piles of clutter and it drives my hubby crazy. There are only some many places to put stuff.