Saturday, March 29, 2008
A Birthday Give-away
Just In Time

Thursday, March 27, 2008
A little more progress
Have a good night all.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Too many miles!
I thought I would get some sewing done today on the napkins, but I spent this morning covering the office while my DH was in a training session, and then this afternoon we ran to Phoenix, had our camp staff meeting, and then just got home a little while ago. It is a long trip. Glad we are home.
Here's to getting a few hours to sew tomorrow. Take care all, and have a great day tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Satisfaction in Progress
Also talking about my mom, I'm so happy for her. She recently ordered, and will soon receive one of the fairly large sewing table by Koala! She found a good sale, and bought it for herself. I think she will love it, and she deserves to have a great sewing room.
Take care, and have a great day sewing tomorrow.
Monday, March 24, 2008
And the Winner is...

I'm not a flake today!!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
So when is the drawing??? Inquiring minds want to know!

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Dance, Time to Party!!
Time is Getting Short! Have you entered the give-away?
And several people who have entered have left very nice comments about the "cowboy quilt". I want to tell all of you that this quilt has found a home. At our last quilt group meeting, the final stitches were put into the binding of this quilt, and one of the quilters looked over and saw the quilt. Seems she has just started working part time for Meals on Wheels, and one of the elderly gentlemen she delivers meals to use to be an active cowboy. She thought he would really like the quilt and offered to the group that she would buy it for him. But that is not what our group is about. We told her, no, she could not buy it - But we wanted her to take it to him. Our quilts are given to those who need them, and we all were pleased that a real cowboy would get the cowboy quilt! It makes what we do, worth doing!! I can't wait to hear her report next week on when she delivered it to him.
Tomorrow I will try to post a pic of the next quilt top I just finished. It is a green solid, and green print checkerboard. I need to do the final pressing, but it will be ready for our next meeting.
And I'm getting awfully close to the top of the Queen's list in the Stashbusters UFO group. For those of you who do not know, you DO NOT want to be Queen. You get moved to the bottom of the list by finishing a UFO. Several posts ago, I determined I would work on my quilted jacket. I've made progress, but I don't want to rush the decisions on how to put it together. So I'm putting it on a short hold, and will finish the quilted placemats I started over a year ago for my mother. Basically, they need binding, and I will make matching napkins to go with them. I already have all the fabric to do this. All the colors in the fabrics match the colors in the painting behind my mom's dining table. It is an oil her step-dad did years ago. (Hear this Mom?? Are you working on recovering your chairs so they will match the new placemats and the picture?? Which one of us will get done first?? LOL)
It is late, and I need to get some sleep. Have a great day tomorrow!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Today was a camp day!
Today we held interviews for prospective staff. Found some wonderful young men that we will love to have at camp. oh, When is this? you ask... for 7 weeks in June and July. After the interviews, the Directors had lunch together, and then visited camp, and then had pie together. This activity took all day, so no chance to do any sewing. Tomorrow is paperwork for taxes (UGH!!) so I don't know how much time I will have for sewing tomorrow.
So someone please... do some sewing for me, OK?
Thanks so much.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Old Red Barn is giving away a quilt!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The quilt top

Another charity quilt top finished!
Have a great time sewing!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Give-away on this posting!

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Fabric Weaving...
Now to celebrate our move a year ago, I've decided to have a give-away. Some FQ's. And as I live in a small western town, they will have a western theme. (After all, we do have a gun fight in the downtown streets every night during the week.) So tomorrow I'll post a pic of the fabrics, and start gathering your names.
Earlier today, I was reading the stashbuster email, and heard what people use for stilettos. There were several items people used, and I was surprised to read that one of the people on the list use porcupine quills. I learned about these a couple years ago, and love using them. The little fine barbs hold the fabric but don't damage it, and it does not hurt your needle if you sew over the quill. Hmm, I think I'll add one to my give-away!
Going to go work on the weaving - maybe finish it!! See you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I Promised you a Picture...
Back to quilting...
I've decided on the project I want to finish. It is my jacket made from a sweatshirt. I have the two arms done, and had started working on the back. I dragged the shirt and all of the fabrics out of my stash last night. I think I will tease you, and show you one of the arms. Each arm is a little different, but I used the same fabrics. What does not show up very well in the photo is that each gold flower in the floral print on the bottom has a gold bead sewn to it's center.
I plan for the back and each side of the front to be different also. (Think fabric folding, some fabric weaving, decorative fibers sewn into "fabric"). I know - I'm risking making the jacket way over the top, but I will try to refrain myself. I really enjoy the creative process in making this jacket. I'm going to go work on the back and one of the sides as soon as I finish this post.
One other piece of news that is important. Later this month will be one year of living in our new home and "new town". I'm thinking I need to celebrate that some how. I'll have to figure out how I can celebrate our 1 year anniversary. Ideas anyone?
Thanks for stopping by, I will talk to you tomorrow. I'm going to go sew.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
It's good to be home!
I am now an official member of the Stashbuster UFO Challange Group. And according to the rules, I must have a UFO finished by the end of March. Hmmm, I need to pick something that I can get done pretty quickly as I need to also get a couple big projects done for work. I'm debating between 3 different projects. The first is the quilt I'm making for the guest bed. It is Queen size, and needs the borders added, and then layered/quilted/and bound. This will probably take the most time to finish of the three options. The second item is quilted placemats for my mom. This is probably the quickest to do, but my mom has not recovered the dining room chairs yet, so it could wait a little longer. The third project is a jacket I started a year and a half ago. The kind you quilt over an X-tra large sweatshirt. To finish, this would probably be quicker than the quilt top, and then the weather would be just about right to wear it. Tonight I'm thinking the quilt jacket is the project I should choose. What do you think? And why? Wonder which one I will want to choose tomorrow? LOL!
Have a great night, Thanks for coming.